Available On-Campus or on ThinnoxCloud!
Web Development Program Overview
This program introduces students to the fundamentals of website design and creation. Students learn how to generate and manipulate graphics and artwork for the website. Students are introduced to web design concepts and become familiar with uploading content onto a virtual platform.
STRIDE Web Development & Technology Course:
Full Stack Web Development - Animation & Programming:
Build and launch an interactive website with animation and SFX using HTML5 and CSS, JavaScript;
Interactive Multi Media Design Core:
Build interactive multimedia environments using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, APIs and Actionscript;
Interactive Mediated Reality TECHNOLOGY:
Build interactive multimedia environments using interactive programming and emerging technologies of multi touch, gesture capture, mediated reality and machine learning. |
Programming with RubyOnRails:
Code with RubyOnRails and build a website or a standalone application. |
Java Script Development:
Code with JavaScript and build a highly interactive web site/web application. |
PHP Programming:
Code with PHP and build a highly interactive web site/web application using PHP & JQuery. |
Careers in Web Design & Development
The following list is just a small taste of the possible positions that may be open to you as you move throughout your career. As you develop your skills and find your niche, you may discover your dream job fits into one of these categories, or you may move outside these boundaries; either way, Thinnox's objective is to help you find your way into a fulfilling career doing what you love.
• Web Designer
• Full Stack Web Developer
• Web Master
• Web Producer
• UI Designer
• UX Designer
• Web Content Writer or Copywriter
• Information Architect
• Web Designer
• Product or program manager
• Graphic designer
• Layout artist
• Digital developer