TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, DESIGN and therefore TED immersion, enriches and supplements your OSSD education with a series of career defining projects in these areas. In this program you complete not only the Ministry prescribed essential curriculum, you go much deeper and beyond in terms of practical applications.

By the time you graduate you would have already completed several projects that touch upon concepts that your peers will be introduced only in College or University, so you have a leg up. You also build a solid portfolio based on real-world applications in these areas. Your portfolio helps you to not only enhance your knowledge but also stands your resume out from the competition in matters of admission to higher education or in terms of making early starts to a career in these areas.

If you are considering Higher education, college or University, or simply considering careers in the TED, this program is most ideal for you.

Technology Engineering Design (TED) degrees are most sought after in the North American work place. TED careers are growing at rates faster than careers in other fields. Careers in Technology, Engineering and Design offer among the best salaries in North America. Nearly every new start-up has to do with Technology, Engineering or Design. TED professionals are in charge of solving the complex problems of today's world and its future.

TED immersion OSSD offers the best career preparation for students to take on TED careers. Here's why.

The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) a non-profit group that connects college career placement offices with employers, ran a survey from early August to mid-September where it asked hiring managers what skills they prioritize when they hire college grads. The results are as follows:

1. Ability to work in a team

2. Ability to make decisions and solve problems

3. Ability to plan, organize and prioritize work

4. Ability to communicate verbally with people inside and outside an organization

5. Ability to obtain and process information

6. Ability to analyze quantitative data

7. Technical knowledge related to the job

8. Proficiency with computer software programs

9. Ability to create and/or edit written reports

10. Ability to sell and influence others

Every high school student would have used the top 5 skills at some point or another in their respective academic programs. The important question however is this - how does one demonstrate to the College/ University admissions office or to your future employers that you actually have those skills?

TED immersion OSSD is a very good answer. By providing you with the chance to own and lead a wide variety of foundational TED projects, the TED immersion OSSD program not only helps you to actually demonstrate the top 5 most sought after skills, but also it gives you the essential, hands-on, real-world experience in the remaining 5 core skills in the list.

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