Do you need a free, little pet that is easy to care for? I recommend garden snails (if you don't mind a little slime). In my opinion, they are one of the cutest pets ever!
King of the Blue Mountain
The Pink Penguin
Snail Sliding down a Slide
A bunch of Garden snails having a feast!
Garden snails eat lots of vegetables. I usually feed them lettuce (they like lettuce better than carrots). Others say that Garden Snails can eat fruits too, but I tried feeding them cherries and they refused to eat them (all they did was climb over the cherries). Change their food at least once every 2 days, or their food will call flies (I know this from experience...don't ask....).
Just a random garden snail hanging out.
These Garden Snails climb everywhere! If you leave them in a container without a lid for a second, you will see that a few minutes later half the population of your garden snails have escaped. Make sure your container is sealed and that it has a nice, sturdy lid! These little slimey guys are fast! It is good to add a thick layer of dirt for them, but the bad thing about this is that stuff can get a bit dirty with dirt (I know this from experience) but my wild garden snails like dirt better. Leave a shallow water dish full of drinkable water. Put plenty of places for the garden snails to hide. You can use small garden pots or even accesories they sell for goldfish at petstores.
Just a little snail climbing on the lamp.
On a rainy day, sneak out to your back or front yard. There should be plenty of garden snails. Pick them from the wild and bring them inside. Make sure you have their home all ready. They usually hide in small corners. If you really don't want to go out in the rain, go out right when the rain stops.
Click here for more Information on Garden Snails.
These guys are kissing each other! Ahhh, love.
This snail is suntanning.
I'm sleeping! Don't disturb.
Garden snail turning the lamp off.
A ball of Garden Snails!
A snail on its back (I think they're so cute when they are backwards).
Their heads start shrinking into their shells when they want to sleep.
This snail tried to escape into the Betta bowl.
This snail is sitting on a nice chair (that I got from my old Polly the Pocket toys).
These cute guys are piggybacking on each other.
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