Advanced LEGO Robotics with Robot C

Create remote controlled vehicles, machines and out of the world (alien) moving objects using LEGO and Robot C. Choose a project; then, design, build, program, test and play. Work in teams to build a part of the robot and bring together all the various pieces created individually by all team members to complete the robot. Learn the fundamentals of construction; learn about gears, pulleys, motors, battery packs and computer programs that drive your robotic creations. Learn about Adv EV3 and Robot C, LEGO microcomputer, transmitters, receivers and sensors. Learn about specialty LEGO pieces such as a touch sensor, fiber-optic cable, caterpillar treads, and gear trains. Use pre-created programs to make your robots perform predefined missions and respond to the environment. Play robot tag with classmates, move through obstacle courses, and disable enemy bots with "laser" signals sent through a fiber-optic cable. Make a video of your project and take it home.
Key Learning Area: Construction Process, Robot C Programming Language application through Robotics, Building Design and Mechatronics.
• This camp is most suitable for age 10-13 year old explorers interested in construction, engineering and robotics.
• Completion of LEGO Robotics Level 1 is a prerequisite if the young explorer is less than 10 years' age.
• Apart from the core program, the camp day plan is well rounded and includes many warm ups, energizers, team builders and creativity contests during the camp day to win friends and cool prizes.
• 6 to 12 participants per camp.

LEGO is a trademark of The LEGO Corporation and is not related to Thinnox Inc.