Full Stack Web Development with PHP

In this camp you will design, build, test and launch a fully functional website using an industry standard, easy to use tool & PHP.
Build and launch an interactive website with animation and SFX using HTML5 and CSS
Code with PHP and build a highly interactive web site/web application using PHP & JQuery.
Build interactive multimedia environments using interactive programming and emerging technologies of multi touch, gesture capture, mediated reality and machine learning.
You learn about site definition, html coding, site management, web page and folder creation, CSS, layout and navigation, media insertion, link and image insertion. You learn to create graphics and content suitable for the web. Upon completion, you learn to upload and manage your website.
Key Learning Area: System Development Life Cycle( SDLC ); Website design and development process; HTML5, CSS, JQ, PHP
At the end of the camp you will be able to carry your work home and your website will be featured during the TED Expo.
• This camp is most suitable for age 13+ wizards interested in web design and development as a hobby or career.
• No prior web design or programming experience is necessary, art and/or computer experience is helpful.
• Apart from the core program, the camp day plan is well rounded and includes many warm ups, energizers, team builders and creativity contests during the camp day to win friends and cool prizes.
• 6 to 12 participants per camp.