Minecraft Arcade
In the Minecraft Arcade Camp you use a popular gaming engine to create an arcade game based on the Minecraft platform. This camp introduces you to the fascinating world of game design and development.
You will explore story boarding, photo editing, 2D animation, level design and character creation. Most importantly, they will build their own gaming experience. In this camp you engage in team work, problem solving and a high level of creativity.
Following V2V, a time tested 7-step design process, and the work flow of professional studios, you work on an individual project on your own. At the end of the camp you will carry your work home, show it to the world, and present it at the THINK Design Expo.
Inspiration: In this camp you are inspired by titles such as Pac Man™, Space Invaders™, Donkey Kong™ rendered in the Minecraft style.
- This camp is most suitable for 7 to 10 year old (begginer classes),11+ (advanced classes) explorers interested in analytical thinking, problem solving and interactive communication.
- No prior game design experience is necessary, math competence and/or computer experience is helpful.
- Apart from the core program, the camp day plan is well rounded and includes several warm up activities, energizers, team building opportunities and creativity contests to make friends and win cool prizes.
- 8 to 10 participants per camp.
MINECRAFT® is a trademark of Notch Development AB and is not related to Thinnox Inc.