3D Architecture
The 3D Arch is a two week interdisciplinary hands-on camp designed to acquaint students with the field of Architecture. The camp allows students to explore potential careers in professions utilizing architecture, visualization, construction science, landscape architecture, and urban planning.
Activities include one individual and one group project involving 3D design, 3D modeling, and hands-on construction using a combination of 3D printed and regular materials. Additional activities include aided architectural drawings, digital photo editing, site planning, drafting, construction estimation, landscaping and interior design.
This camp allows students to carry their models home and wins them an automatic entry to display their work during the Design expo.
- This camp is most suitable for ages 13+ wizards either interested in the creation and manipulation of space or contemplating the study of architecture at the university level.
- No prior architecture experience is necessary, art and/or computer experience is helpful
- Apart from the core program, the camp day plan is well rounded and includes several warm up activities, energizers, team building opportunities and creativity contests to make friends and win cool prizes.
- 6 to 12 participants per camp.