Lego Robotics
Create cars, boats, dragsters, helicopters, space explorers, animals or crawling creatures using Lego®. Chose a project; design, build, test and play. Work in teams to build a part of the robot and bring together all the various pieces created individually by all team members to complete the robot. Learn the fundamentals of construction; learn about gears, pulleys, motors, battery packs and programs that drive your creations. Learn about Mindstorms NXT Lego ® microcomputer and sensors and use pre-created programs to make your creations perform predefined tasks and respond to the environment. Get introduced to NXT programming. Make a video diary of your project and show it to the world.
• This camp is most suitable for age 7-10 year old explorers interested in construction, engineering and robotics.
• No prior technology or robotics experience is necessary.
• Apart from the core program, the camp day plan is well rounded and includes many warm ups, energizers, team builders and creativity contests during the camp day to win friends and cool prizes.
• 6 - 12 participants per camp.
LEGO® is a trademark of The LEGO Corporation and is not related to Thinnox Inc.
Thinnox operates Technology Engineering & Design camps during spring and summer. Thinnox camps are ideal for creative kids between 7 to 17 years of age. Thinnox camps result in games, films, portfolios and prototypes that you can take home and showcase during the Design Expo. Camp admissions are open through the year. Camps are a fun way to pick up new skills; get a taste of a field of work or profession. There are no pre-requisites for admission to camps. Thinnox camps are usually over-subscribed. Booking early is a great way to beat disappoints and also to get early bird discounts as applicable.